Nata Vestnorden

Payment of grant

Payment of grant

The project must be completed in accordance with the information stated in the original application to NATA. The project coordinator must notify the NATA Secretariat in case of changes. Otherwise the grant might be withdrawn.  

The grant is payable upon project completion and is calculated from the actual expenses incurred. NATA supports 50% of these expenses, but maximum the amount granted herein. Notice that NATA does not support wages or consultant fees.

In order for the grant to be paid out at the end of the project, a detailed project accounting with the belonging documentation of expenses e.g. paid invoices, receipts should be sent to the NATA Secretariat. All amounts in the project accounting must be stated in DKK. Without the belonging documentation of expenses the grant cannot be paid out. NATA expects you to use this accounting template, when you send in your accounting.